Cholesterol and Garlic: Does Garlic Lower or Rise Cholesterol?

Cholesterol and Garlic: Does Garlic Lower or Rise Cholesterol?

Updated: December 5, 2023

Cholesterol basics | Garlic and cholesterol | Does garlic lower or rise cholesterol? | Bottom line

Article Highlights: Research suggest that garlic may have a positive impact on cholesterol. While not a magic cure, incorporating garlic into your diet can be a healthy choice for managing cholesterol.


Cholesterol plays a vital role in your body, helping to build cells and produce hormones and vitamins. It becomes a concern when we consume too much (particularly in the Western diet) since the liver already generates the cholesterol we need.

Cholesterol explained in detail.

Garlic and Cholesterol

Garlic is an Allium family member that includes onions, leeks, and shallots.

Garlic has unique, savory, and slightly spicy note that comes from a substance known as Allicin. Alliin is also the healing substance in garlic. Allicin, tends to reduce LDL cholesterol, improve immunity, and lower blood pressure levels. [1]

Asians have been using garlic for its potential health benefits and medicinal properties for centuries, and nowadays it's used globally as a natural medicine. Allicin, might reduce LDL cholesterol, improve immunity, and lower blood pressure levels.

Does Garlic Lower or Raise Cholesterol?

The link between garlic and cholesterol reduction has been a subject of research for years. While garlic enthusiasts may tout its benefits, some people don't find garlic helpful.

  • A randomized clinical trial [2] was performed on the effects of garlic and lemon juice mixture on lipid profile and cardiovascular risk factors. Results showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol.
  • Garlic has shown promising results by lowering LDL and cholesterol levels in 23 hyperlipidemic patients. [3]
  • Garlic supplements might also be effective for lowering cholesterol. Studies indicate that taking 300 mg of aged black garlic or a garlic tablet twice a day for 4 to 12 weeks can lower total cholesterol levels. [4]

There are indicators that garlic might help combat high cholesterol, especially when combined with a healthy balanced diet.

How to Use Garlic in Cholesterol friendly diet?

Garlic is a versatile ingredient and you can use it in multiple ways in your cholesterol care diet.

  • Raw: One of the simplest ways is to consume raw garlic. It may have a strong taste, but raw garlic has all substances intact.
  • Cooking: Sauté minced garlic in olive oil before adding other ingredients to your recipes.
  • Roasted: Roasting garlic turns it into a creamy, mellow paste. You can spread this on bread or use it as a flavorful addition to sauces and curries.
  • Black Garlic: Black fermented garlic has a sweet, mild flavor. You can consume it independently or use it as a condiment.
  • Minced garlic: Add minced garlic to your salads, salad dressings or soups for a zesty touch.
  • Supplements: Garlic supplements are available as capsules if you're not a fan of the taste or aroma.

Bottom Line

Research suggests garlic can lower LDL cholesterol.

You can safely incorporate garlic into your cholesterol care diet.

Garlic is not a standalone fix but rather a healthy component in diet that aims to lower cholesterol.


[1] Jana Reiter, Anna Maria Hübbers, Frank Albrecht, Lars Ingo Ole Leichert, Alan John Slusarenko (2019) Allicin, a natural antimicrobial defence substance from garlic, inhibits DNA gyrase activity in bacteria. Source

[2] Negar Aslani, Mohammad Hasan Entezari, Gholamreza Askari, Zahra Maghsoudi, and Mohammad Reza Maracy (2016) Effect of Garlic and Lemon Juice Mixture on Lipid Profile and Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People 30-60 Years Old with Moderate Hyperlipidaemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Source

[3] Johura Ansary, Tamara Yuliett Forbes-Hernández, Emilio Gil, Danila Cianciosi, Jiaojiao Zhang, Maria Elexpuru-Zabaleta, Jesus Simal-Gandara, Francesca Giampieri, and Maurizio Battino (2020) Potential Health Benefit of Garlic Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview. Source

[4] Eun-Soo Jung, Soo-Hyun Park, Eun-Kyung Choi, Beun-Ho Ryu, Byung-Hyun Park, Dal-Sik Kim, Young-Gon Kim, Soo-Wan Chae (2014) Reduction of blood lipid parameters by a 12-wk supplementation of aged black garlic: a randomized controlled trial. Source

Medical Caution Never use garlic as a replacement for prescribed medication. Always consult your doctor about alternative treatments before discontinuing prescribed medication.

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